
Traffic Insurance

MTPL is a legal requirement in Estonia, but don’t overpay!

MoneyHub Experts says: Brokers provide a great service and are very convenient  but they also add their commission., So you might consider trying each insurance providers direct website, Also it easy to just agree to the annual renewal form without checking if you find a better deal.  Don’t assume that because your insurance provider is also your bank they giving you a great deal they are probably not  And in some cases MoneyHub found they were shockingly over charging. Shop round, check before you sign. The devil is in the detail. Visit MoneyHub on frequently  for up to the minute information. Moneyhub Price Tip: Take your insurance policy out in December before brokers adjust their prices for the following year. 

Please note our top tips regarding Traffic Insurance

Are you considering ONLY taking traffic insurance and not KASKO full cover car insurance?

We strongly recommend you consider the statistics (1 in 10) cars will have an accident. Estonia experiences around 30,000 traffic accidents annually, and the MTPL insurance covers the resulting damages. Statistics indicate that ev ery 10th vehicle is affected by these accidents. If you do decide not to take full  KASKO insurance please consider the following.
It’s obviously cheaper than full comprehensive insurance, but it also covers less. Someone who is willing to cover their own vehicle repair costs may find this cover suitable. Also, drivers with a low value vehicle may not feel like they need cover beyond traffic insurance.
However you may wish to invest in front and rear dashcam’s as if you have a collision you may have to prove who is the responsible party. This is especially true if the other party also only has traffic insurance. We also strongly recommend keeping a copy of the collision report in your car., If you are in an accident and you mobile take as many pictures as possible. This will help later if there is a dispute. 
Another very important point is traffic insurance will NOT cover you for any personal injury or the expense associated with it. If you are hurt and not covered by the state this will affect you badly. 

Further tips 

If you decide to sell your vehicle?

When selling your vehicle, you cannot legally terminate your insurance contract as it transfers to the new owner. It is sensible to include the value of the unused insurance days in the vehicle’s price. After the car is re-registered, the new owner must update the insurance contract promptly.

If your vehicle is kept off the road?

Remember, a vehicle registered in the traffic register can remain uninsured for up to 12 months, giving you the flexibility to manage your insurance as per your usage. If you do not plan to use your vehicle longer, consider removing it from the traffic register, as mandatory insurance applies after 12 months.
For example, if you own a motorcycle, you only need to insure it for a short period once a year.

Green card and foreign countries what is it?

A green card is mandatory motor third-party liability insurance valid in foreign countries, including most European nations. It covers damages caused to other road users or vehicles while you are abroad. However, it does not cover damage to your car.
The green card system is designed for your convenience. You do not need to carry a green card when travelling to countries in the European Economic Area (including the European Union) or Switzerland, as the standard motor third-party liability insurance provides coverage there. However, you must bring a green card when travelling to countries outside the EU or EEA that are part of the green card system.
These countries include Albania, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Israel, Iran, Macedonia, Morocco, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
A green card is issued free of charge for the duration of your standard policy. From 1 June 2023, green cards issued in Estonia will no longer be valid in Russia and Belarus.
KommentaaridTuruosa %Meie hinnang
IIZIParima hinna vahendajaKindlustusmaaklerVaata lähemalt
ERGO Insurance SETaskukohane liikluskindlustusKindlustusandja18Vaata lähemalt
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ADB Gjensidige EestiKindlustusandja3Vaata lähemalt
If P&C Insurance ASKindlustusandja18Vaata lähemalt
LHVKõrge standardKindlustusandja1Vaata lähemalt
Salva Kindlustuse ASKindlustusandja6.5Vaata lähemalt
Vienna/SeesamKindlustusandja12Vaata lähemalt
SwedbankKindlustusandja15.5Vaata lähemalt
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Car Insurance FAQs

What is traffic insurance?

Traffic insurance is mandatory insurance in Estonia, which protects your vehicle against damage caused to other persons or their property in an accident. It is an important insurance that ensures you do not have to bear the costs in case of damage.

How much does traffic insurance cost?

The cost of traffic insurance depends on several factors, including the type of vehicle, age, intended use, and insurance company. The Estonian Traffic Insurance Fund and Estonian insurance companies offer traffic insurance calculators to help you find a suitable insurance premium.

What is comprehensive car insurance? (Casco)

Comprehensive insurance is one of the most important types of car insurance, which protects your vehicle against various risks, including traffic accidents, fire, vandalism, theft, and natural disasters. Comprehensive insurance is optional, but it can be very useful if you want to protect your vehicle to the maximum.

How do I register my car?

If you want to insure your vehicle, you must first register it. During registration, a registration number is assigned to your vehicle, and vehicle details such as make, model, engine power, number of seats, and registration mass are obtained. These details are essential when taking out insurance, and the insurer uses them to calculate the insurance premium.

What are the rights and obligations of car oweners?

As a vehicle owner, you have certain rights and obligations regarding insurance. You must ensure that your vehicle has valid traffic insurance and, if necessary, comprehensive insurance. You must also ensure that your vehicle registration number is always visible and legible and that the vehicle has a valid inspection.

If you want to take out insurance, you have the right to choose the insurer with whom you want to take out insurance. You also have the right to receive information from the insurer about insurance terms and prices.

Once you have taken out insurance, you must ensure that you pay insurance premiums on time and inform the insurer of any changes that may affect the validity of the insurance.

Does car insurance also cover damage caused in a traffic accident?

Yes, car insurance covers damage caused in a traffic accident if you have chosen the appropriate insurance coverage. If you have caused a traffic accident that damaged another person’s property or health, car insurance compensates for the damage according to the agreed terms of the insurance contract.

What risks do car insurances cover?

Car insurances can cover various risks, such as traffic accidents, theft, fire, vandalism, etc. Comprehensive insurance usually offers broader insurance coverage but is also more expensive. Traffic insurance is mandatory insurance that covers damage caused in traffic accidents to other persons.

Is it possible to take out car insurance without traffic insurance?

No, traffic insurance is mandatory in Estonia, and without it, other types of car insurance cannot be taken out. Traffic insurance covers damage caused in traffic accidents to other persons.

Does car insurance also compensate for damage caused by theft?

Yes, if you have chosen the appropriate insurance coverage, car insurance compensates for damage caused by theft according to the agreed terms of the insurance contract. Theft can be insured with both comprehensive and traffic insurance.

What are the differences between comprehensive and traffic insurance?

Traffic insurance is mandatory insurance that covers damage caused in traffic accidents to other persons. Comprehensive insurance provides broader insurance coverage, including risks such as theft, fire, vandalism, etc.

Comprehensive insurance is optional, and its price depends on the chosen insurance coverage.

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